The further the cold season progresses, the less time we spend outdoors. Here are 10 ideas to make the inside of your home a comfortable place to live.

Despite the good weather, winter is fast approaching and many may feel a bit grumpy at the idea of welcoming the cold season. The lack of light, the cold, and the snow can undermine morale, but the following cozy little gestures will have the effect of a nice dose of light in your daily life.

1. Greenify your space

One of the things many people miss during the cold season is the array of colors that summer offers. To brighten up our decor, we visit our local florist to find plants that are resistant to the lack of winter light. Rush to get pothos, 'mother-in-law's tongues,' and succulents that require minimal attention and care.


2. Neutral palette, soft textures

While summer is sparkling and colorful, we take inspiration from the winter palette to adapt our decor. We swap bright colors for neutral and relaxing tones like beige, white, terracotta, and wood accents. Enough to bring a little softness and rest within your walls.

3. Essential oil + hydration

Winter also brings its share of changes in the air. Indeed, many people notice a loss of hydration on their skin, hair, and even in their nose and mouth. In addition to adding a nice dose of aromatherapy to the air in your home, an essential oil diffuser is a perfect addition to restore some moisture to your home. For maximum hydrating effect, place the diffuser near your bed to restore suppleness to your skin and comfort to your airways.

4. Candles

Smell is a sense intimately linked to memories. Immerse yourself in your best festive moments with candles scented with fir, summer desserts, or even fireplace. Several local and Quebec companies offer beautiful ethical candles that will be lovely decorative additions.


5. Hygge

Inspired by Danish culture, hygge (pronounced Hoo-guh, with emphasis on the h) is a philosophy that promotes the present moment and happiness in the little things. We then rejoice in a good coffee, a vinyl record playing our favorite artist, or a shared laugh with a loved one.

6. Change your eating habits

While we seek freshness during the summer season, we adapt our winter diet by incorporating warm, comforting, and nourishing dishes. Stews, soups, and casseroles invite themselves to the table.


7. Work smart

For many of us, teleworking is now part of our lives. As commutes are reduced and work still takes place at home, we take advantage of an organized and optimized office for working hours.

  • Set regular schedules and, above all, stick to them;
  • Get ready in the morning;
  • Take breaks;
  • Organize your office;
  • Equip yourself with a more comfortable chair, an ergonomic desk, and a few small decorative items that can enhance the space without creating distractions.
work from home

8. Optimized sleep

The desire to hibernate is very real! We optimize our sleep according to our internal clock, which reacts to changes in light. We can also treat ourselves to a bit of renewal in our bedding. We swap light sheets for warmer, cozier materials that offer the most comfortable sleep. We can even try weighted blankets, which are designed to reduce stress and anxiety and offer more restful sleep.

9. Get plenty of light

As soon as the alarm rings, open the curtains and treat yourself to a good dose of light. Also, take advantage of all the little moments of sunshine by going for a break outside or simply by the window if the weather is not good. Finally, if you feel flat, get a dose of vitamin D by treating yourself to a light therapy lamp that could even be placed on your work desk.


10. A revamped routine

In the evening, we cut off access to screens at least 1 hour before going to sleep. Instead, we treat ourselves to a good bath, a relaxing herbal tea, or an hour of reading. Bookstores are overflowing with new releases, why not go take a look?

We can also incorporate more exercise into our routine by setting up a dedicated area in our homes. A yoga mat, some weights, or even a stationary bike allow us to incorporate a minimum of exercise without leaving our house. Several applications are also available and adapted to home workouts.