Why sell with a Proprio Direct real estate broker?

« We were very satisfied with the assistance we received. Our broker walked us through the entire process and helped us avoid a big mistake. Once again, a big thank you! » Stéphanie and Justin Mercier
« An extra $5,000 in our pocket! Not only was Nicole a pleasure to work with, we were able to benefit from her experience and valuable advice throughout the process. » Jeanne and Martin Lemieux
« Within days we found a new unit in an idyllic project. The paperwork was handled by our broker, which also took a big weight off our shoulders. » Richard, retraité

Your story. Our brokers for over 35 years.

Yout story our brokers

Proprio Direct offers the support and expertise of nearly 700 brokers serving the four corners of the province. By choosing us, you benefit from the know-how and experience of a Québec-based firm whose effectiveness has been recognized for many decades.

For more than 35 years, our business model has been based on the interests of our clients; you are at the core of our concerns! In a word, our service is oriented towards the customer experience.

With you from the first to the last handshake!

Your Proprio Direct broker is present at every step of the sale of your property, even if you find the buyer!

  1. Free estimate of the property's market value
  2. Professional photoshoot
  3. Exclusive and effective marketing strategy
  4. Posting of your property on Realtor (MLS), Centris, Facebook and more
  5. Verification of required documents
  6. Coordination of calls, visits and other inquiries
  7. Handling of negotiations and drafting of contractual documents related to the promise to purchase
  8. Assistance in obtaining mortgage financing
  9. Follow-ups with other specialized parties (surveyor, appraiser, building inspector, etc.)
  10. Monitoring of the case until the notary
  11. Support services for the purchase of your new property.
Broker on the phone

Take advantage of all our benefits

Program Complici-t

Complici-T Program : Be represented by a real estate broker, even if you find the buyer yourself

Proprio Direct stands out for its unique offer that allows you to find your buyer while still profiting from the services of a broker from the beginning to the end of the transaction.

In addition, you will benefit from a favorable commission rate of 2%*. It's a simple yet cutting-edge formula that offers you the best of both worlds!

* When the buyer chooses to purchase directly without the intermediary of another broker. Minimum commission of $3,000, plus taxes.

Learn more

Program Sereni-t

Sereni-T Program : The assurance of a transaction in full confidence

We know that life can bring some unexpected moments. Proprio Direct offers you peace of mind during and after your transaction with its Sereni-T protection.

This protection is offered free of charge when you make a transaction with one of our participating brokers.

The program includes a complete range of insurance and real estate protection services that will protect you from unforeseen events throughout the process of the transaction and afterwards.

Find out more

Program Visibili-t

Take advantage of our Visibili-T program

Proprio Direct is the only real estate agency to offer you this level of visibility.

When you team up with one of our real estate brokers, your property is listed FREE of charge on the most popular real estate sites, including :

  • Centris Realtor (MLS)
  • YouTube
  • Logis Québec
  • Prestige MLS
  • Properstar
  • And much more!

Our exclusive marketing program has been created to ensure unique visibility for the sale of your property.

With over 100 websites across the country and around the world, portals and social media, our properties is seen by over a million potential buyers every month.

Learn more about the Visibili-T program

Program Activi-t

Activi-T Program

With its exclusive Activi-T program, your Proprio Direct broker provides a complete and personalized report on all activities surrounding the sale of your property.

With a single click :

  • See the number of visits your property is generating;
  • View the latest market and area data;
  • Access your broker's logbook and see the most recent activity reports on your property.

Learn more about the Activi-T program

All the buyers

Benefit from a marketing strategy that targets 100% of buyers

Proprio Direct brokers market your property to attract serious buyers and sell as quickly as possible. The more it's seen, the faster it sells!

They develop a plan that takes account of all the potential of your home:

  • Photoshoots;
  • Creation of advertising posters;
  • Exclusive broadcasting on numerous Web platforms such as MLS/Centris (not accessible to owners selling directly);
  • Publication of your property on our entire network;
  • And much more!

Moreover, by providing the seller the opportunity to find a buyer themselves through our Complici-T program, Proprio Direct remains the only banner able to reach 100% of buyers.

Our marketing method considerably reduces the time it takes to sell a property!

Our commitment

You pay nothing until you sell

Our commitment is clear:

the seller pays no listing fees or service fees until the property is sold.