Pinterest and renovation shows love them; ancestral homes are more popular than ever on the real estate market. Imbued with a rich history that bears witness to our past, these homes possess a unique architecture that invariably makes us fall in love.

Even if they have been well maintained over the years, there is a strong chance that numerous repair or improvement projects will be necessary. Here are some tips to make the process less tedious.

Planning is key

Whether it's for the work schedule or the budget to be allocated for its completion, planning remains the starting point for all your projects. Enlisting the services of an architect is undoubtedly one of the best investments you can make. In addition to guiding you through each stage of your project, the architect is the ideal professional to assess your property and identify the most urgent work to be done.

Attentive to your needs, they will maximize the full potential of your home. You will save time, money... and peace of mind!

Modernizing while preserving the charm

Exterior siding, woodwork, cornices, spiral staircases—these are all decorative elements that give ancestral homes undeniable character. While we want to preserve many of these distinctive features, several others need to be revised, sometimes urgently. As environmental and construction practices are no longer the same as they were in the past, it is essential to bring your property up to 21st-century standards. You might consider replacing the oil heating system or revising the lead plumbing, which can cause serious health problems. The same applies if your home has aluminum or cloth/paper electrical wiring, as their fire risk is very high. Although these projects can quickly drive up the total cost, there are many government programs to help you:

  • RénoRégion
  • Revitalization and restoration programs for heritage building
  • Renovation Québec
  • Canada Greener Homes Grant
  • Rénoclimat
  • Chauffez vert
  • ÉcoPerformance
  • Éconologis
  • Hydro-Québec's Efficient Heat Pump Program
  • Energy efficiency grants - Énergir
  • Etc.

Do your research, and you could save big!

Let us advise you

Discussing your project with your Proprio Direct real estate broker will allow you to make the right choice, regardless of your situation. They are at your disposal to guide you through this process and refer you to the best resources in their network.