As July 1st approaches, a large majority of Quebecers have one word on their minds: moving. If you've just sold or bought a property, congratulations! It's a beautiful chapter that's beginning. Here's a checklist to make sure you don't forget anything!
The change of address
One of the often forgotten tasks is the change of address. Fortunately, the Government of Quebec has created a change of address website that covers all these instances :
- Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
- Elections Quebec
- Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale
- Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec
- Retraite Québec
- Revenu Québec
- Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec
Don't forget to also change your address for the following subscriptions and services:
- Magazine
- Newspapers
- Gym
- Loyalty cards (to receive your freebies and discounts!)
- Communauto
- Bixi
- Meal box services
- Etc.

To receive your important documents, take a few minutes to contact the following institutions:
- Election Canada
- Agence du Revenu du Canada
- Bank
- Caisse Populaire
- Mortgage
- Credit cards
- Life, car and home insurance
- Hydro-Québec
- School board (have you notified your child's school?)
Also, contact your service providers while scheduling technician visits:
- Residential telephony
- Internet and television
- Oil heating
- Cellphone
Finally, forward your mail through the Canada Post online service.

Other little details:
You're (almost!) ready, as for the day of the move, don't forget:
- Contact your neighborhood's donation service for a pickup of items you wish to dispose of.
- Many neighborhoods and municipalities have a Facebook group for citizens. Why not offer your perishable food to a family in need?
- Don't forget to stay hydrated! Summer will be hot and moving is physically demanding! Think of your movers too.
- Keep your valuable items close to you and not in the moving truck: Computer, passport, certificates, cell phone, credit cards, etc.
Happy moving!