Snow can cause damage to your home, did you know? 5 things to watch out for.

A true blessing for fans of sliding sports, a headache for motorists who have to drive in hazardous conditions; snowstorms leave no one indifferent! In addition to the worries or joys it causes, snow can prove to be a real enemy for homes.

Here are 5 points to watch out for during the cold season to ensure that snow does not damage your precious homes:

1- The roof

The roof is the main point to check for any owner wanting to be rigorous during their winter maintenance. When snow falls in large quantities, it can accumulate and the roof is designed to support this weight. So far, no problem. It is when the temperatures rise a little that it can quickly become problematic. Indeed, shingle roofs tend to heat the lower layer of snow accumulation faster than the upper part. So, under the beautiful white coat, there may be significant amounts of water. These can infiltrate the roof and cause mold. Also, when the temperature drops, the water can turn into ice and crack your gutters. Clearing the roof of your house regularly should prevent water infiltration and ice buildup. However, use caution! Work from the ground, stay away from electrical wires and do not hesitate to call on an expert who has all the necessary equipment to clear your roof safely.

roof house snow

2- The foundations

Again, the problem is not so much the snow as such as the water it will produce when temperatures are milder! Water is the enemy of foundations; it can seep into them by capillarity and then end up in your basement. Worse, it is possible that it freezes in the micro-cracks of your foundations and causes them to burst.

Several solutions exist: it is possible to insulate your foundations from the outside, for those for whom it is a recurring problem. The costs can be substantial, so be sure to at least do the minimum:

  • Clear the snow accumulated near the foundations;
  • Add extensions to your gutters so that the water flows at least 2 meters away from the foundations of your house.

3- Concrete slabs (steps, entrance, etc.)

The problem with concrete slabs is a bit similar to that of roofs and foundations. As it warms up, the snow melts and therefore it can seep into micro-cracks inside the concrete structure. When the temperature plummets, the infiltrated water turns into ice and tends to burst the concrete.

It is therefore essential to shovel the snow as quickly as possible, when the snowfall has finished falling. Not only is it safer for you and your family members, but it will also have the merit of preserving the concrete steps that you have just had redone last summer!

4- The above-ground pool

If you have an above-ground pool, we advise you to clear it of snow regularly so that the change of snow into ice, when it is milder, does not damage your canvas, the edge and the skimmer. A swimming pool is not designed to withstand so much pressure, so it is important to take care of it even in winter!

snow pool

5- All other facilities

Whether it is your spa, your terrace, your balcony or your tempo shelter, remove the snow regularly to prevent your property from being damaged by ice or the weight of the snow. You will save time and money!

house in winter

It's beautiful, a lovely house under a big blanket of snow! We all agree on that. On the other hand, by regularly shoveling your roof, your steps, your entrance and the snow that accumulates near the foundations, you ensure that your house can keep you warm in winter for many years. Not to be neglected!