Does the pandemic make you hesitant to put your property on the market? Think again; it's actually an excellent time to sell your home. Trust the expertise of Proprio Direct! Here are four reasons to put your house up for sale right now.

The buyers are there
Times are tough, but it's important to put things into perspective; the vast majority of Quebecers have kept their jobs. Therefore, many are looking for a property to buy. Moreover, properties are scarcer these days than before the pandemic. And scarcity, for sellers, means the possibility of selling faster and at a better price.
The psychological effects of confinement
During confinement, many things changed for Quebecers. Some realized they needed to live in a larger space, others dream of a second home. Many of them have unfortunately separated or re-evaluated their needs in terms of living environment. And all these changes have something in common: they represent very good reasons to look for a new property.

The resurgence of the intergenerational home" ou "The comeback of the intergenerational home
If the crisis has taught us anything, it's that our society must absolutely take care of its elders. Following the pandemic, and the tragedy that occurred in residences for seniors, intermediate resources, and long-term care centers, many families have decided to share their daily lives with their elderly parents rather than sending them to live in a seniors' center. Thus, intergenerational homes and duplexes are in high demand.
Buyers are moving to the regions
The pandemic is causing an exodus from cities. Many city dwellers are planning to soon settle in one of Quebec's beautiful and numerous regions. Certainly, the fear of contagion caused by the pandemic is one of the factors, but it's also a matter of convenience; with the internet, teleworking, and online orders, living in the regions has never been easier.

Contact Proprio Direct today to take advantage of this unique context and sell your property!